Wellness Is the New Happy Hour: Where to Pair Libations With Relaxation in NYC
After my first yoga class nearly 15 years ago, I left the studio feeling like I was walking on air. The divine intersection of clarity and calm that I’ve since identified as zen was wrapped around me, ushering me through the world. That feeling was so intoxicating and empowering that I kept going back for more: I’ve probably taken close to 3,000 yoga classes since then, even completing teacher training a few years ago. I’ve also found my soul at the bottom of a heaven-sent cocktail on more than one occasion -- and I’ve wondered whether these indulgences make me a bad yogi. Yoga is in large part a discipline of restraint and mindfulness, and guzzling two-for-one happy hour draughts while gossiping about former colleagues doesn’t exactly fit the bill. But it’s also as much about what you’re giving yourself as it is about what you’re taking away. Imbibing will never be as healthy as mastering Eight-Angle Pose. But a glass of wine with a friend can be as enriching as your nightly vinyasa.